Data protection, privacy, compliance, digital risk, data ethics; these are complex, but critical business areas for organisations. It’s important to get them right and protect your business, which is why our qualified privacy associates can offer expert support to augment your privacy programme and use of our software, when you need it.
compliance as a service (CAAS): DPO services, point support & AUDITS
AUDITS & Projects
Privacy and GDPR audits: discover-analyse-playback-deliver with Trace®
Global privacy audit for scaling companies
Priv-detect service for third party SaaS risk and digital journey assurance
GDPR health-checks to get your compliance on track
Data governance maturity roadmaps and privacy framework design and delivery
Kick start, implement or refresh your privacy compliance programme with our audits, baselines and health checks.
Outsourced DPO & CPO Services
Data Protection Officer (DPO) as a service: named vDPO to support your ongoing compliance
Your DPO will support your team and liaise with the regulator, and will manage your compliance programme and privacy maturity
Senior and strategic virtual Chief Privacy Officer (CPO) on demand, to assure your key stakeholders and set out your strategy for trusted data and Privacy by Design
DPO services: beautifully complemented by our privacy app as a managed service for evergreen compliance artifacts.
why trace®?
We have helped many organisations through the maze of GDPR compliance and data security with tailored audits, gap assessments, training, breach planning, framework design and roadmaps.
What makes us different? We bring together the holistic view: our experiences span privacy, IT, digital transformation and risk, so it’s pragmatic and value adding. We build organisational resilience and deliver client trust through digital-savvy compliance and a creative approach to delivery.
“I found Sorcha very knowledgeable and extremely helpful in guiding us through the privacy minefield. ..Sorcha has been an invaluable addition to our team for this project and is someone we will lean heavily on as we expand nationally and internationally over the coming years. I would not hesitate in recommending her to any business who is putting user’s data at the heart of what they are doing. She took a complex subject and completed matters for us quickly simply and without stress for me as CEO, letting me concentrate on all the other pressing issues involved in scaling a start up”